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J R FOX wrote:
> The various DLLs *can* get in each other's way
> (depending on how these apps.s were installed, and
> what went down at time of installation), _even if_ you
> only run one at a time.
If you run the EXE I am not making any bets on what will happen. The
EXE installer might be useful someday, if the Mozilla products stabilize
for a year or so. Personally I cannot see it ever being useful. The
Mozilla products are just too easy to run without it.
I limit any reference to Mozilla products to:
I drop all DLLs in Boot:\OS2\DLL. "Install" consists of unzip. Run is
just execute, then maybe create a program object.
Every DLL I have ever had is still in OS2\DLL.
I have not had a conflict.
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