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Ray davison wrote:
> A more realistic approach is to filter out of the inbox the stuff you do
> want. The lists we subscribe to and the people we communicate with is
> more finite than the junk. The result is that the inbox is mostly junk
> and the filtered files are almost all clean. So "junk time" is rather
> short. The Mozilla junk filter flags a lot and it can be deleted with
> one button, and the rest of the junk, since there is very little in the
> inbox that is not junk, can easily be reviewed, flagged, and deleted.
My approach, developed over a number of years, is very like Ray's. I have 78
filters. That sounds like a lot, but it includes family, friends many mailing
lists, commercial, etc. All of the filters move their respective messages to
specific folders within Local Folders. They are semi-arranged into an order that
keeps messages from getting put into the wrong folder. The last two filters are
Commercial which contains the names ov various companies that I deal with
regularly, and "Suspect" which gets everything not in one of my address books.
Tom Brown, Catherder
thomabrown at gmail dot com
Member SCOUG, V.O.I.C.E., & SDAA
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