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Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2008 18:10:02 -0700
From: J R FOX < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Monitor driver

Content Type: text/plain

--- Ken Hammer wrote:

> I too have a kvm switch with Windows Vista on a
> modern quad core Gateway using nVidia graphics
> adapter.

In planning the upcoming tower rebuild + other "new"
system, I decided to go with just dual core. I know
that eCS is supposed to have support for 2 cores, but
had serious doubts about it supporting 3 or 4, and did
not want to take any chances. (Another SCOUG member
could not get his 2nd. AMD core operational under eCS,
for some reason.) There are some other device
issues as well, that keep me away from a lot of
post-2006 hardware -- re built-in motherboard stuff in
particular. (It seems that -- even with latest eCS --
the best we can do is hopefully be ready to fight the
*last* war, rather than deal with what is happening
right now.

In regard to the video card, I may just take a hard
look at what I find on the outdated SNAP support list.
I know we have a later alternative now in Panorama
VESA, but there are some other considerations, such as
not wanting to deal with something that has a
humongous fan to cope with a lot of heat, and the
higher current draw that is sure to be related. I'm
not a gamer, though I do some video apps stuff.
Whatever I get is bound to be far in advance of what I
have now. So it goes when you replace systems only
every 4 or 5 years.



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