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Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 10:34:08 -0700
From: J R FOX < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: News server?

Content Type: text/plain

--- Tom Brown wrote:

> My ISP, Time Warner Cable, has abruptly discontinued
> it's news server,
> so I am looking for another news server.

From what I'm hearing, a lot of them (ISPs) are in the
process of doing the same. They are feeling the heat,
due to the widespread perception that the newsgroup
system is primarily a carrier for porn, warez, and
copyright-trampling trade in music & film material.
State & Fed justice dept.s, the MPAA, and the RIAA are
applying pressure. The service is a net $$ loss for
the ISPs, in any case, so they're delighted to cut it
loose. I've heard that Verizon (for example), is
about to jettison theirs. The valuable legit uses for
newsgroups will suffer in the process. At the very
least, a lot of people will have to start paying extra
for this, as a separate service from a separate

> Can anyone recommend a reliable news server that is
> up to date and not too expensive?

As the handwriting is pretty clearly on the wall, I
will be interested in any recommendations also.



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