> I broke something. When I tried opening Seamonkey
> mail today, it couldn't
> find any profiles and prompted me to set up an
> account.
> All profiles settings are still there in
> \mozilla\mozprofies, but
> Seamonkey is not seeing them.
That is another point Sander made at that meeting: FF
is much more adjustable (in certain ways) /
upgradeable / recoverable than SM. I still like SM,
and use both, but wish that SM did not get messed up
so easily. In my case, it's not disappearing
Profiles; I can see 'em, but they're corrupted,
causing a severely farkled display. They are much too
easy to corrupt. Using Steve Wendt's advice on
nukeing the chrome , I fixed the main profile, so that
it works fine again. However, all the other profiles
-- including stock TEST profiles that have no
customization at all -- now suffer from that
corruption. I could not fix those in the same manner.
It may be necessary to toss it all out and redo it
from scratch -- a significant PITA that I've been
Meanwhile, FF just hums merrily along . . . if you
overlook that "Can't Find Server" glitch that comes up
on my PmW build, when first fired up. (I ran
this by Peter Weilbacher, and he couldn't figure it
out either. ) However, it is cured by just clicking
on 'Home.'
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