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Steven Levine wrote:
>> I do notice that as eCS 1.2 boots, the text is almost half a character
>> off the screen to the left. It's still readable, but not quite
>> correctly aligned. I think this is something to do with SNAP, and
>> changing my screen resolution. (In fact, looking at things on eCS 1.2,
>> where I have the screen set to 1280 x 1024, I think I chose 1280 x 960
>> by mistake on eCS 2.0.)
> That's probably it. Depending on your monitor, these things can be
> adjusted. SNAP includes utilities for this too.
I have altf2on.$$$ on every installation and often a delay at the top of
config.sys. So everything is echoed. I see that shift on some versions
immediately after basedevs. On RC4 I can read the entire first letter
if I look behind the plastic CRT border.
Isn't that before SNAP or any such thing? The shift is consistent until
the text portion of boot is completed; screen goes to solid color,
usually orange. And the screen at that point is properly aligned.
It seems to be a problem worth very little effort to fix. There are
other things more important.
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