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Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 13:40:55 PDT
From: MDINET!ELMONTE! (Emerson, Tom # GPS-MDI)
To: (Peter Skye), (internet!!scoug-programming)
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: FTP Server spec

Content Type: text/plain

From: Peter Skye [SMTP:attmail!internet!!pskye]
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: FTP Server spec

Hi Rollin,

Got both your responses through this list, thanks.

> Support of other protocols (like TFP and HTTP)

What's TFP?

I suspect he meant tfTp -- "trivial" FTP -- no logon validation needed.
Very closely related to protocols such as BOOTP or DHCP -- the idea
being that these are used for initializing a workstation within a
network, the TFTP server could send things like a standard CONFIG.SYS
file, for instance...

> >Module: Server
> > GetConnection *****This handshakes when 21 says "hi", yes?
> And returns a handle to that connection.

Okay, thanks.

> > DispatchConnection *****What does this method do? Where's the
> >rollover?
> Creates a new thread and appropriate objects to handle the new
> What do you mean by rollover?

Where control rolls from GetConnection to DispatchConnection. It wasn't
clear from the names what each module was doing. DispatchConnection
takes over as soon as there's a handle so GetConnection can go back to
paying attention to StartListen, yes? This keeps GetConnection from
being tied up when simultaneous signons occur, yes?

Question for the teacher: Why can't GetConnection and
DispatchConnection be combined?

I'm guessing you intend to have code like:

Socket socketHandle = socketAccept(); [or whatever the appropriate set
of calls is]
Thread doTheWork = new DispatchConnection(this.socketHandle);


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