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Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 21:25:08 PST
From: Steven Levine < >
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: "Become" tab in Properties notebook

In <>, on 12/16/98
at 12:09 PM, Peter Skye said:

>I noticed that, but didn't know why. Bet you're right.

Came across it while looking for something else. It's:

pszClass = wpclsQueryInstanceClass(somSelf);

This is called by the code that builds the Become page. This says the the
class decides it's future.

>Thanks, found the Rexx command. Here's my test of it (run this and
>you'll see some "DLL's" apparently embedded in the WPS):

Been there. Done that :).

>> wp...() functions to do this. It will take a bit of work to find the
>> specific one. It could be the equivalent of SysSetObjectData, but I don't
>> know.

>Thanks, good idea and I'll try it.

On further though, you may have to just copy EA's. It's a hack, but it
might work.

>and then the appropriate DLL entry point is called with the object
>handle. The DLL merrily computes on from there. All subsequent
>questions are undoubtedly answered in some unknown book or web site
>concerning how to write WPS Class DLL's. Yes? How simple. They coulda
>explained it better.

The books are known . Read WPSREF*.INF, WPSGUIDE.INF, SOMREF.INF and
SOMGUIDE.INF and you will be on your way except for the undocumented



Steven Levine MR2/ICE #10183


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