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Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 21:15:29 PST8PDT
From: Steven Levine < >
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: GetLine()

In <>, on 06/02/98
at 11:47 AM, "Gregory W. Smith" said:

>That was the obvious problem that I referred to. A slow typist could
>cause the send command to be invoked more than twice depending on the
>client. Type the command.... Go look up the options. Type the
>options.... Go look at a file listing. Type the file name.... Answer
>the phone. Then hit return. It is conceivable that send() could be
>invoked during each pause.

It's worse than that. TCP/IP is allowed to break a 'send' buffer into
multiple packets and, AFAIK, there's no requirement to reassemble them for
the receiver. I don't know if assembling multiple 'send' packet into a
single receive packet is allowed. Tom implies it is. If so, Peter's
suggestion that the buffer needs to be scanned for the EOL code is a
requirement. This can be accomodated with minor changes to the loop I
proposed, but I agree with Tom, that it's time to define Getline a bit
more rigorously.


Steven Levine MR2/ICE #10183


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