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Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 11:04:21 PDT
From: Peter Skye < >
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: More queue stuff

Content Type: text/plain

> On Fri, 20 Nov 1998 08:28:18 PDT, Peter Skye wrote:
> >
> >... at the Programming
> >SIG tomorrow ... maybe we can swipe a few minutes to
> >briefly cover SED and PERL. And maybe some alternatative command
> >interpreters (shells).

Gregory W. Smith wrote:
> Too bad that I have other commitments tomorrow. I use a lot of the
> Unix tools that have been ported to OS/2 under EMX. I use AWK quite
> often along with SED. I mainly use 4OS2 as my command interpreter, but
> I also use the BASH shell when I trying to do a build of Unix software.
> I am also use TCL/Tk and their shells on occasion.
> As for Perl.... All of the special characters remind me of TECO. I am
> still learning, but quite often reading Perl seems like looking at
> transmission line noise.

How about the December SIG? Maybe we can get you, Dallas and Steve to
each do a short presentation.

This is useful stuff that's worth knowing - as evidenced by all three of
you having used it. :)

- Peter


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