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Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 17:28:43 PDT
From: Peter Skye < >
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: Pipes and REXX

Content Type: text/plain

Hi Greg,

You can invoke the command processor CMD.EXE and give it a command file
to execute (type HELP CMD at a command line prompt, and use the /C
parameter). The command file can include any piping you want. Make
sure "exit" is the very last command in the file.

I don't think you asked for a generic REXX filter, but I'll include the
one I use in case there's something in it you can swipe.

- Peter Skye

/* The FILTER.CMD Rexx program is a sample filter. It was taken from
RXTT28. */

/* Programmer's notes:
/ 1. Write all messages (error messages, logos, etc.) to STDERR
instead of STDOUT, e.g. use
/ call lineout 'STDERR', 'This is an error message'
/ 2. Always use
/ call trace 'OFF'
/ as the first statement in a filter program. This statement
makes sure that your program
/ ignores the environment variable RXTRACE.
/ 3. The function LINES() does not work as expected in
Object-Oriented REXX (it always returns
/ 0). Therefore, you must distinguish between the different REXX
versions in your filter
/ program.
/ 4. A filter program reads lines from STDIN and writes lines to
/ */

/* Ignore the environment variable RXTRACE. */
call trace 'OFF'

/* 'SIGNAL ON NOTREADY NAME' catches the end-of-file condition. */
signal on notready name ProgramEnd

/* Check the REXX interpreter version. 'PARSE VERSION' is a REXX
command. */
parse version rexxVersion .
if rexxVersion = 'OBJREXX'
then do
/* Current REXX version is Object REXX. */
/* Main loop for Object REXX. */
/* (The loop is exited by a NOTREADY condition.) */
do forever
.output~lineout( .input~linein )
else do
/* Current REXX version is Classic REXX. */
/* Main loop for Classic REXX. */
do while lines( 'STDIN' ) <> 0
call lineout 'STDOUT', linein()

exit 0


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