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In <38F6A7BC.77DC@peterskye.com>, on 04/13/00
at 09:08 PM, Peter Skye said:
>Just a test. :)
It's working...
Here's the DVD stuff I mentioned....
You can do everything with DVD drives under OS/2!! With the virtual SCSI
emulator from Daniela (daniatapi.flt) you can use CD record to even record
DVD RAM disks! You can also read DVD and CD ROM disks under OS/2. I have a
DVD movie here and I can see the file names and size under OS/2! That is
not problem. This is because a lot of disks are in the ISO 9660 format. A
lot of DVD video disks are in the UDF file format. IBM has written a UDF
IFS for this, but there is problem, and that is that the UDF driver can
only be downloaded via software choice. At this moment there is no
software to play DVD movies. If anybody is interested to try and port a
Linux software DVD player, contact me I have tried and don't have the
My thoughts were to use PMMPEG as a base in integrate the DVD decoder.
"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.10a #10183 Warp4/FP11
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