, on 03/06/00
at 12:25 AM, dallasii@kincyb.com said:
>The thing in my mind that defines UNIX at the command line prompt is that
>each stage in a pipe occurs as a process that happens in parallel to the
>other stages of the pipe.
>As far as I know, this is not the case for all versions of
>DOS, OS/2, and any products from M$.
OS/2 handles pipe like UNIX. DOS can't because it can't multitask.
The hard part about porting the ksh to OS/2 is not the pipe; it's the
process model.
UNIX creates processes by forking and image of the and then overwriting
the "child" image with the executable. This can be emulated in OS/2, but
it takes work.
>The little 'go' utility seems to provide rough equivalants
>to 'kill', 'ps' and 'fg' (restart in foreground),
>but what to replace the suspend character
>'^Z' and 'bg' (restart in background) with I don't know -
>maybe someone else has some suggestions?
The OS/2 API's are there. For example Process Command provides command
line tools to do this stuff. It's more that CMD.EXE is a child of
COMMAND.COM and that COMMAND.COM is a very limit shell. The features were
just not put in.
>Another area I recall he had to make provision for is
>to handle file extensions, which was especially usefull
>for .CMD files. The context that korn shell came up
>on this list was my finding that he didn't get it perfect,
>and some special provision was needed for putting REXX
>filters in pipes.
CMD.EXE replacements such as 4OS2 support executable extensions. CMD.EXE
even support execproc which is roughly equivalent to the UNIX #!.
"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.08 #10183 Warp4/FP11
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