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Steven Levine wrote:
> >1. Is SNMP for managing Network hardware, or is it for
> >managing and monitoring hardware over a network?
> It's the latter and anything can be managed
> including software and systems.
Goodie. Now I have to find out what's available.
> Most of the RFC's are old because they
> were done pretty well the first time.
Tangent: RFCs 821 and 822 just updated (April 2001) to 2821 and 2822,
if anybody's interested in SMTP email stuff. Your browser will bring
the following up in plain text:
> >3. What is your recommendation for a basic SNMP installation
> It depends on what you want to do with it. To
> monitor you could probably use any of the tools
> Dallas mentioned. For remote configuration you
> are going to need something more.
Monitoring is fine. I just want to get started with it. Anybody have
urls for the tools or should I start searching?
> FWIW, OS/2 includes SNMP agents
OS/2's Help doesn't give info on these agents when I search on "SNMP".
Neither does dir /s | find /i "snmp". Get me started here -- what are
these agents? I want to use them on to see what they report.
- Peter
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