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Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2001 21:00:51 PDT
From: Robert Blair < >
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: REXX and e-mail

** Reply to note from Sun, 12 Aug 2001 20:30:23 PDT

> Since you're probably trying to use a To: line with lots of different
> email addresses on it, wouldn't it be easier to simply break the address
> into multiple lines?

Well your guess is wrong. This is one TO: address and is in the
neighborhood of 110/115 bytes, although some are less than 100 bytes.

> message based on the target's "profile". I can prove Hacksaw's power to
> you if you like. I can send you 10,000 emails containing the strings 1
> through 10000.

No thanks. I get enough spam without asking a friend to send me more.

Actually this is to reduce the spam. I have gone to using some throw-away
e-mail address for most of my mailing-lists. Here is one of them When someone sends mail to this address it is
forwarded to my real address. The return address is to the person that
send it to me plus another address similar to the one above. When
sneakemail gets it it strips off everything except the originator and
forwards it to them.

The e-mail is mostly formatted but has some internal PRM stuff because of
the difference between SMPT and POP. So all I need to do is a small bit
of editing and send it to my ISP's mail server.

Any REXX code you could send me would be appreciated.

Robert Blair


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