I am redirecting this to scoug-programming...
>I admit that these are not thoroughly exhaustive,
That much is true.
>but this does indicate a strong probability that
>this is not duplicating anyone elses work.
Do a little searching of the net-snmp mailing lists at SourceForge.
>Side note: If successful on EMX, we might also want
>to try compiling for a more direct OS/2 executable.
What do you mean? EMX generates standard OS/2 executables. The only
difference is that the runtimes typically are not statically linked. This
is also possible with VAC though few folks do it. The required dll's are
installed in \os2\dll.
"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.28a #10183 Warp4/FP11 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
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