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Steven Levine wrote:
> >The compressed size is 1.5 MB and
> >I haven't uncompressed it yet.
> You might want to consider getting CVS set up and
> working on your box if you plan to have more than
> one person working on the source code.
I thought this was for the Programming SIG meeting. You want this to be
a non-meeting project?
> >Well, of course not! You volunteered
> >to do the makefiles, remember? :))
> I volunteered to "help" resolve the
> problems getting the makefiles set up.
Lemme check the list. Nope, no other volunteers. Lemme grab my slide
rule. 100% of effort divided by one person yields, umm, 100% of the
effort for _you_. :)))))
> I have no problem using EMX. Works fine
> both as a runtime and as a compiler.
Oh goodee. Now I won't have to bring my CONFIG.SYS settings 'cause we
can rely on you to make things right. (pun intended)
> >I wanted to get some machine(s) to compile on.
> >What do you want done before SS is contacted?
> OK, which machine have you chosen to use? I'm confused.
I really don't want to bring my big tower which is the only one that has
EMX development installed. Sheridan says SCOUG has a P90 and one or two
486's and I figured we could use those if you and Dallas agree (Dallas
is off-list until Friday, I think, so it's just you and me right now).
You had some questions for me: the size of the uncompressed Tar-Gzip
1.5 MB file and (to rephrase) how many makefiles there were. I don't
know yet -- I have to gzip and tar and take a look. If you want me to
make the decision, I'll decide on "get the P90 and 486's asap and get
them ready for May 18". Then I have to get a BOD okay to get the
machines (which is why I had this thread on the BOD list). You're the
SCOUG Treasurer and the machines are SCOUG fixed assets which you're
responsible for.
ACTION Steven:
-- 1. Is it okay with you as a P-SIG member to use the P90 and 486's on
May 18?
-- 2. Is it okay with you as SCOUG Treasurer to let me have the machines
and prep them for May 18?
-- 3. How do you suggest I approach the Board for approval to pick up
and prep the machines?
My "prep" would consist of making sure each machine boots, installing
the EMX development including CONFIG.SYS mods, doing a "Hello, World"
EMX compile to make sure it basically works, and getting the source plus
gzip and tar onto the machines. That's it -- everything else including
the foobar snafus gets discovered at the P-SIG meeting.
- Peter
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