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Content Type: text/plain
Steven Levine writes:
"...They do. A large percentage of data processing is done via
spreadsheets by secretaries and administrative types. ..."
I thought we discussed this during our excursion earlier in the
Sundial SIG with respect to MESA. Most of them don't think of
it as programming. Even when they get to writing expressions
in cells. Maybe the secret lies in not telling them it's
programming. Then again, maybe it's not.
By the way don't venture into the area of proving programs
correct. Otherwise you have to disprove the proof that it's
impossible. The two-stage proof engine for completeness and
exhaustive true/false have no concerns with correctness. The
completeness proof, for example, simply indicates whether
you have furnished enough input to allow a logical flow from
your main goals down through all the referenced sub-goals. It
makes no judgments about the goals themselves.
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