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February |
2003 ]
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Lynn H. Maxson wrote:
> true/false proof is created. In clausal logic, e.g. SQL, the user
> must create the data, while in predicate logic, e.g. Trilogy, the
> software creates the data.
I have no problem understanding that the test data can be created by software. What I don't
understand is how the software knows that the result it gets is correct.>
> The same sort of logic using data generated by the software
> is used the in PL/I program peg_sol4 whose source and one
> solution I've attached to this. If I remember correctly, it took
> something like 3 days before the first solutions began to
> appear.
Yikes!! Hope you had a 'heart beat' to let you know things were cooking and not stopped.
Since the recursion was now unwinding did the other solutions then come at a rapid pace?
Did you have the recursor (probably not a real word) tally the number of solutions to determine that
there are 128K solutions?
> purposes here individually testable using software generated
> test data based on user prescribed rules.
Ah. User prescribed rules lets the 'tester' calculate what the correct answer should be.
> I should perhaps also provide a graphical illustration of the
> control flow within a program to illustrate the reality of finite
> paths instead of the myth of infinite paths. We could then
> show how you could decompose these paths into software
> testable segments, working from the inside out, i.e. from the
> lowest level to the highest in the program, and iteratively
> performing an exhaustive test of the entire logic of the
> program. The end result not only eliminates the need for beta
> testing and beta testers, but provides a level of software
> quality that such beta testing has never achieved.
For me that would be interesting.
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