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Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 23:07:24 PST8
From: Sheridan George < >
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: Shall we begin?

Content Type: text/plain


Even though I snipped out a lot of your post for this reply, I liked all that you said.

Your idea sounds very close to what I once understood literate programming to be (before you set me
straight). I really like the idea of encapsulating code and its explanatory text in one document then
having a tool that distills the code out to create a runable program.

Kindly provide us with a snipet of the .html that you envision.


Lynn H. Maxson wrote:
> Sheridan,
> The HPCalc program itself suffices as a tutorial on C. There is
> little in C not touched upon in the program. If we take a
> literate programming approach, combining informal
> descriptions with formal code, we should create a document
> that functions as a tutorial on both C and HPCalc. I would
> probably suggest that we encapsulate text and code using
> html. This would allow us to integrate all the source files
> with links attached to the internal references, effectively
> creating a hypertext document.


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