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Steven Levine wrote:
> >an Update button
> netbeans
> jdictionary
I've never heard of jdictionary or eCSMT, and I know nothing about
netbeans (although I've heard of it).
> If you lived in the Windows world you
> would find the percentage is pretty high.
Interesting. Is this an attempt to keep all users at the current level
which (hopefully) reduces support costs?
> If you get a message that
> ICE can't handle, there's the:
> Help -> Send this message to support
> menu option. It's not quite the same as
> your Ouch button, but it's a similar idea.
Yes, that's the concept for sure. A pat on the back for Nick on that
So what _else_ is the newer software doing that I'm not aware of?
- Peter
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