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In <3F16E563.33A5@peterskye.com>, on 07/17/03
at 11:04 AM, Peter Skye said:
>I thought my Netscape install was via a GUI. David said command line.
>It does both?
Yes. It can be either. Both SI and FI are CID capable. This means they
are command line capable and that they follow IBMs recommendations for
supporting unattended installation.
>I disliked the early versions of WarpIN but I guess I should take another
It has gotten better. The early versions where just that. Early versions
and beta quality. The current version is pretty solid, but is still
missing some features that would make it easier to use.
>and iirc would only install to the drive letter where the operating
>system was located (ouch ouch ouch). I opened the installer file (with
>EPM) and read the developer's Rexx code and he didn't do anything
>"wrong", just didn't do it in a way that was a good fit for my
This is just a case of young programmers learning to write flexible,
production quality code.
FWIW, WarpIn includes a command line utility, wic, that will let you
unpack the package files.
"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.37 #10183 Warp4/FP15/14.093c_W4
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