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Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 07:50:30 PST8
From: "Dave Watson" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: web

Content Type: text/plain

Lynn mentioned getting our files on CD of the month Saturday. I'm
sure we'll do that, but I propose we start putting together our resources
in the form of a web site. Carla agreed that we can put up a site pretty
easily. You may have noticed that the PSIG web page is currently the
minutes of a meeting April 1, 2001. A two year old web page and
nobody complained.

I suggest a PSIG hope page, saying what we're about, and showing
links to our projects, our resources, and our correspondence. And
maybe a page of links to related sites. The resources page would be
essentially what we would want to put on the CD. Compilers, source,
how-to's etc. We can keep that current, updating files as they become
available, and punch out a snapshot for the CD every month. Under
correspondence, I'd like to see an archive of the excellent letters we've
exchanged, especially Lynn's dissertations. Also Greg's and Bob's
presentations, that sort of thing. Maybe a separate page for Peter's
thoughts. The projects page would be our home page for files and
discussions for specific projects as we beging to develop them.

Anybody has any thoughts on content or organization, please let the
group know. I'll pull together some material and get it to Carla by this
weekend so we can have a place to look at, which should make it
easier to visualize what we have and what we need, so hopefully it will
continue to grow.


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