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Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2003 09:02:18 PDT7
From: Peter Skye < >
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: Multilingual Users Guide (was: Free IBM VisualAge SmallTalk)

Content Type: text/plain

Lynn H. Maxson wrote:
> In truth we have a continuum ranging in extremes
> from those with fervor ... willing to take on all
> programming language comers and those ...
> unwilling (and uninterested) in taking on any.

For years I've wanted a Users Guide which encompassed _all_ languages.
The document would be organized by what you want to do, not by
language. DO...CONTINUE, DO...END, FOR...NEXT etc are all the same
thing (Java looks a little different because you're throwing things, C
syntax is different but the functionality is the same) and would be
under DO with an entry under FOR saying "see DO". Likewise for most of
the language basics (I/O exceptions are handled in different ways).
That leaves the library routines which (except for Java) all look pretty
much the same to me although the names are different. I'd even include
.bat and .cmd file keywords and syntaxes, and I'd treat filters as
callable subroutines (the command line DIR and Rexx's SysFileTree() are
similar, for example). I'd also include the Unix commands since they
are well thought out.

Lynn, _you_ could then take this document, delete everything you don't
like (I'll buy you a box of red markers) and you'll have your SL/I

What's that? You will need *two* boxes of red markers?!?

- Peter


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