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Lynn H. Maxson wrote:
> REXX corresponds to OCL, the Operator Control Language,
> of UNIX. You may prefer to believe that it lies above
> this level and below that, above JCL for example, but
> below C. However, JCL itself is an OCL. As Korn of
> the Korn Shell fame in UNIX has admitted in his writing
> JCL supports job flow in ways that OCL does not.
I used JCL quite a bit on a /360 mod 50. The SRLs (lurkers: the docs)
were very good and JCL was very powerful -- a good combination which
meant you had a lot of power.
Fill me in on OCL, which I don't know. Is it a syntax, a paradigm, a
language, or what? English confounds us again; does the "Operator" in
Operator Control Language refer to a machine operator (the guy who puts
paper in the printer and mounts tapes) or to a programming operator ( +
- * / )?
- Peter
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