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Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2004 15:25:30 PDT7
From: "Steven Levine" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: Rexx printing control ?

In <>, on 07/06/04
at 01:04 PM, Peter Skye said:

>Why didn't the guy who created this just use the font metrics? I mean,
>you've got the font so you know the metrics. And the metrics have more
>resolution than 1/4*X and 1/8*Y.

You will understand the first time you try to create a dialog resource
that works across multiple resolutions.

>PrtGraph/VRPrint doesn't appear to have any font interfacing other than
>the ability to choose a font from the list of those available.

That would imply that the package is allowing the GPI to handle the

>Maybe there's a Rexx library somewhere that can do this

Perhaps. Given that nature of most REXX applications, there's not that
much call for this kind of stuff.

>I think PrtGraph/VRPrint will use the system soft fonts
>rather than the printer's hard fonts which I use when writing PCL.

I would expect it to use both, but I'ld have to look at the package to
know for sure.

>Basically I just need to squeeze a variety of reports onto sheets of
>paper. Most of this stuff is OS/2 Radio studio tracking and I'm tired of
>setting the margins differently for every report. I'd rather just send
>the reports through a little program that determines the widest line and
>then sets the margins accordingly. When the lines are "too wide" I just
>kern the letters closer together. I suppose PostScript would be easier
>but I never learned it.

Perhaps, although it appears you might not be using the best tool for this
job. If the data is columnar, I would just drop it into a spreadsheet and
let it work out the line wrapping. Of course, I'd have to see your input
data to know if this really makes any sense.


"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.47 #10183 Warp4/FP15/14.093c_W4 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)


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