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Please note the following information from the REXXLIB online help:
Summary: ARRAYSORT sorts an integrally-indexed REXX compound variable
based on one or more fields in the array values.
Arguments: stem: The stem of the compound variable to be sorted.
first: The index of the first array element to be sorted
(default is 1).
n: The number of array elements to be sorted. (The
default is to the end of the array.)
start: The position in the value of the beginning of a
sort field (default is 1).
length: The length of a sort field. The default is 100.
order: 'A' for ascending sort (default), 'D' for descending
type: 'C' for case-sensitive character sort (default), 'I'
for case-insensitive character sort, 'N' for numeric
Returns: 1 if no error occurred, or 0 if some error occurred, such as
insufficient memory or a non-numeric value was encountered
during a numeric sort.
Notes: Up to 10 separate fields can be specified, by repeating the
start, length, order, and type arguments. The first
specified field is the primary sort field. Secondary fields
are considered only if all preceding fields compare equal.
A character sort is defined by the standard ASCII collating
sequence. Normally this is case-sensitive. The 'I' sort type
can be used to request a case-insensitive sort. A numeric sort
is defined by standard REXX comparison of numeric values.
The order of elements in the original compound variable is
changed based on the sort specification.
As with any array, the number of elements in the array is
expected to be found in the item with subscript 0. If the
number of elements to be sorted is not specified, this count
is used to identify the LTNR
On Sat, 9 Apr 2005 15:37:57 PDT7, Peter Skye wrote:
>Bob wrote:
>> DOSRENAME( file_name_1, file_name_2 )
>Thank you, Bob!
>Ouch! $55 for RexxLib ( And it
>does have a sort (ArraySort) but the page doesn't say if it is an
>ordered sort or not, and I usually need an ordered sort.
>I think I'll just
> 'rename' file1 file2
>Thanks again. If I get some time I'll walk down the street and collect
>enough soda cans to buy it. (Unless the bar is open on my way back from
>the recycling place. Or Vons demands I return the shopping cart before
>I have it filled.)
>- Peter
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