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In <200504300006.j3U06doB017387@well.com>, on 04/29/05
at 05:06 PM, "Gregory W. Smith" said:
>So if PL/I cannot be processed by LEX and YACC, then this must be an
>admission that the PL/I language cannot be specified by a BNF grammar.
This is not quite true. My understanding is that YACC is a lalr(1) parser
with some extended backtracking to avoid shift/reduce conflicts. LEX is
basically a regular expression recognizer. This means the combo can
define languages that a typical BNF can not. Of course there are are a
number variations of BNF so one does need to be somewhat specific about
which BNF is not sufficient.
>Now the gotcha for OS/2 users: pl1-1.exe is meant to integrate with the
>4.x versions of the Gnu Compiler Collection. The current GCC in EMX is
>3.2.1 and the most recent GCC on my FreeBSD and Linux boxes is 3.3.
Innotek's 3.3.5 for OS/2 is good enough to build a working Mozilla. What
special features of 4.x does the generated pl1-1.exe require?
"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.67 #10183 Warp4.something/14.100c_W4
www.scoug.com irc.fyrelizard.com #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
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