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Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 20:21:26 PDT7
From: "Lynn H. Maxson" < >
To: < "" > >
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: Progress Report:DDR

Content Type: text/plain


I don't know what we will determine as we begin a deeper
understanding of our tool set. It is one thing to say that a
particular tool succeeds in the small and succumbs in the
large. It is another to understand why either occurs so that
you can have a tool which succeeds regardless of size or

I've made no secret that a compiler works best for a
"production" system while an interpreter does the same for
development and maintenance. In that view neither GCC nor
Watcom or any IDE involving either represents an optimum

Development (and maintenance) covers five stages. So
should an IDE, as the five stages make up the development,
maintenance environment. Any IDE which doesn't, and none
currently do, should forego that name for something closer to
the truth, e.g. ICE for Integrated Construction Environment.

We have some discovery of our own to make, choices about
changes to make, and in general gaining control over our tools
to insure that they do what we want them to, not just what
others decide we need. That's the promise of open source.


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