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Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2005 21:35:53 PDT7
From: "Steven Levine" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: OS/2 Toolkit Programming and Watcom

In <>, on 09/11/05
at 01:51 AM, "Harry Motin" said:

>It really would be very helpful here if you could simply spell out the

I already spelled out the primary reason.

>rather than trying to point me to an online documentation such
>as the WPS Programming Guide. Online documentation is not easy to read
>and adapt to use.

While I might have some interest in doing WPS programming tutorials, not
that I'm much of a WPS expert, I simply don't have the time. You are
going to have to put in some energy on your own.

>It really is not a good "teach yourself how to C-code"

Nor is it intended to be. The title is "WPS Programming Guide" for a
reason. Your question was about accessing WPS data, not learning C. If
you are teaching yourself C, there are any number of getting started books
available. I agree that you will be better served to start with one of

You are correct in concluding that pretty much everything in the Toolkit
requires significant prior programming knowledge and experience. If you
don't yet understand pointers and how and when to use them, you are going
to have trouble with much of the Toolkit content.

>I've looked at the WPS Programming Guide and I don't really know
>what I'm looking for as far as explaining why I cannot do what I
>described to you.

Unfortunately, you need to learn a bit more about C programming, DLLs, SOM
and few other items before anything I might try to say will make much
sense. At I said in my original response, the only thing that can talk to
the WPS is code written to the WPS Programming API and implemented as a
DLL so that it can be processed by the SOM runtime. There's no way to
make and EXE act like a DLL.

>Furthermore, there's just a ton of online books and
>I've looked at say 80% of them already in an attempt to understand the

OK. What did you expect? The toolkit supports 1000s of APIs covering
numerous subsystems. Add to this that the toolkit you have covers only a
subset of what OS/2 supports. There are additional toolkits for things
like interfacing to NETBIOS or writing drivers.

Actually, I'm not quite sure I understand your statement about attempting
to understand the toolkit. What's to understand? It is what it is. It
is a collection of libraries, headers, documentation, tools and sample
code that covers a subset of APIs available for interacting with OS/2.
This is probaby a rough quote of how the toolkit is defined in the "Using
the Toolkit" guide.



"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.67 #10183 Warp4.something/14.100c_W4 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)


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