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Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 21:54:41 PDT7
From: "Lynn H. Maxson" < >
To: < "" > >
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: Undegined References

Content Type: text/plain


I'm always happy to provide you with an adrenaline shot. I
come from a mainframe background which, for example, never
passed data in a parameter list, only addresses of data. As it
had real pointer variables it never had to fake you out with
an asterisk preceding a non-pointer data variable. But I

In working on the OSFree project with a concern for including
all the APIs in the OS/2 replacement it took me several
iterations of setting macro switches, i.e. "define", on and off
before I could get them all into a single compile to PL/I.
There I produced an alphabetized attribute and
cross-reference listing of all variable names and their
instances (uses). Of course, I had some concern about "rc",
having a single variable name whose possible values
depended upon the API invoked instead of a unique name for
each unique set of return codes.

Now I haven't attempted to write Harry's source in PL/I,
primarily because it runs counter to our emphasis in the SIG on
mastering the languages used in open source. I can only
assume that any of us has a similar learning curve to conquer
that pesters Harry at the moment.

At issue is how can we help him and us in resolving this thing?
In short how do we go about troubleshooting those things
with which we have difficulty. In this specific instance as you
have a machine with the necessary environment can we use it
in sort of a group think mode about solving this particular
problem? I have the feeling that success here will ease
solving other similar situations as they occur.

Perhaps we can do this, at least start it, after you wrap up
your presentation.

And no, OS/2 is not UNIX. At least IBM didn't make that


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