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Lynn H. Maxson wrote:
> If you would rather deal with a 1000 pages of C source code
> with VIM instead of 2000 of Java with jEdit, I don't care. At
> some point in our development we will have discarded both
> for something involving less effort with more functionality.
OK, so what are we proposing? I think that we have two examples
here showing that even a simple text editor requires hundreds of
pages for a proper specification. So let's discard programming
languages for English. I think that Peter has suggested this a
few times already. Which will be just as much fun. I have had
to write up a number of work instructions and test procedures in
the past. Starting up or shutting down a piece of chemical process
equipment might require a small novella to describe the procedure.
So, we will have our AD/Cycle system parsing our English and
checking our spelling as we go along so that no sentence is out
of place when we type it. And woe unto the writer when the final
period gets typed at the end of a sentence. After all, our improved
methodolgy will automatcally throw up all kinds of possible
contradicitons with what has already been entered in the previous
five hundred pages of our specification.
Gregory W. Smith (WD9GAY)
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