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We're still a democratic outfit. If you want to look at a
plug-in to Eclipse, a point on which we differ, then maybe we
should look at it in more detail. Maybe we just actually need
to get the facts on the table.
I like all the presentations made recently by our members
because they illustrate that which I seek to avoid. I don't
know how many, "I forgot to do...." and "Before you do that..."
and other such excuses It takes before you want a situation in
which that doesn't occur.
To that end I have been content recently to endure 45 minute
presentations that take longer than 2 hours to give empirical
evidence about what you don't want in a set of tools. In fact
you don't want a set, but one which contains their
functionally within a truly integrate environment, not one with
APIs to offer attachment.
If you would rather deal with a 1000 pages of C source code
with VIM instead of 2000 of Java with jEdit, I don't care. At
some point in our development we will have discarded both
for something involving less effort with more functionality.
I don't see an agenda for our next SCOUG meeting. If we can
squeeze a few minutes in for the Programming SIG, maybe we
discuss where we want to go and how we want to get there.
I'm more than willing to allow people to flounder as part of
the learning experience if only to make a point. People have
to sell themselves on something.
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