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Return to [ 22 | October | 2006 ]

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Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 22:14:30 -0700
From: "Gregory W. Smith" < >
To: < "" > >
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: The language end goal

Content Type: text/plain

On Sun, 22 Oct 2006 20:37:44 -0700, Lynn H. Maxson wrote:

<,,, Another big snip ....>

>" OK OK OK... I'm sold. Now please tell me what I need to
>know so I can get started with Bob's sample code. I just need
>to know WHICH SL/I compiler for OS/2 I will need, where to
>get it, and how to set up my build environment."
>To get started with Bob's sample code you need a PL/I, not
>SL/I, compiler. We will use PL/I to get to SL/I. Get there we

In other words, I get to sit things out until the Developers' Assistant
has a binary that will self compile from the source. ( And that
applies to lots of other potential programmers that do not have a PL/I

>" And then, maybe..... Just maybe... Some kind of discussion
>about what the Developers' Assistant should look like to the
>programmer. ..."
>Yes. Yes. Yes. We shall certainly discuss the design of the
>tool with all of the windowing options available to us. We will
>start with an editor.

That looks like???? EPM, vi, ed, EMACS, Notepad, XEDIT, jEdit???

> Enhance it with syntax checking. Add
>semantic checking.

Again, syntax checking that looks like???? Is this going to be torture
on those of us with poor color vision -- lots of pale reds and greens?

> Thoroughly discuss the operation and
>design of the two-stage proof engine along with its
>implementation. We will implement the use of predicate logic
>to automate the generation of test data, if for no other
>reason that to illustrate that such a language with such a tool
>using a specific logical form eliminates the need for external
>testing such as alpha and beta testing.
>Again you should see the emphasis on developer productivity.

Right now, I see lots of discussions off on tangents that have noting
to do with the editor at this stage of the project.

-- Greg

Gregory W. Smith (WD9GAY)
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