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By the way, the Visual APL requires a bit of Microsoft development
software to run. In particular: Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
Standard; Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional; or Microsoft
Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition. Does not work with Express editions
of Visual Studio. So APL is a 'free' addition to a $250 Micro$oft
development environment. (Or more--if you go with the Professional or
Team versions.) The Express edition of Visual Studio is free, but
it only suports one language. Apparently APL is not the one language.
-- Greg
> Mostly for Lynn.
> In the Aug., 2007, issue of Dr. Dobb's Journal is a blurb (pg. 14) about APLNext releasing VisualAPL
> their dynamic, array-based, object-oriented programming language. Compliant with ISO/IEC 13751. A
> noncommercial version, VisualAPL Express, is free at
> Sheridan
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Gregory W. Smith (WD9GAY)
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