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Steven Levine wrote:
> In <48C68F1B.5080606@verizon.net>, on 09/09/08
> at 07:59 AM, jizba said:
> Hi,
>> I have a tutorial package consisting of some two dozen lessons. Each
>> lesson
>> takes 15-30 minutes.
> Sounds good. I suspect 2 lessens per meeting will be sufficent to get
> most folks eyes rolling.
>> The big question is installing my old version of
>> APL2 for OS2 on someone's portable so the lessons can be displayed on the
>> screen.
> This should not be a problem.
> For those that want to play along
> http://www.os2site.com/sw/dev/apl/index.html
> has demo/trial version of apl2 available.
> Steven
I better explain what I mean about the installation
of APL2 for OS2, Advanced Edition. There is NO
installation CD (if there one exists, I do not have it)
Instead I have 4 diskettes (dated from 12/15/93).
IBM supported this APL2 until they announced
termination of support of OS2. During that time they
produced 19 "Corrective Service Levels". However,
any attempt to apply corrective level #19 will NOT
work. One has to first apply an intermediate corrective
level first. (I do have all the corrective levels.)
Since 2001 IBM has continued in the development of
APL2 but only for WINDOWS, LINUX and other
operating systems. (My tutorials can be readily
transferred to these operating systems)
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