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Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 14:24:00 PDT
From: "Lynn H. Maxson" < >
To: Scoug Sundial Sig < >
Subject: SCOUG-SundialSIG: I looked around.

Content Type: text/plain

At the moment scoring on traffic we have Peter with some high
number and Lynn with zero. Whenever a leader heads off in a wrong
direction only to discover no one follows, he goes from a leader
to a loner. If he persists, with but a single change he becomes a

Now in asking for this mailing list the intent was to provide some
coninuity in the intervals between the bimonthly meetings. Part
of that continuity was to allow a more rapid learning rate, in
effect to support individual learning rates. However, continuity
assumes a flow into and out of a point. Initially in asking for a
topic and being told "equations in MESA" and the general assent
that I sensed, I could only guess (my error in not asking for more
detail at the time) at where to begin. Apparently I guessed

Now a SIG leader's major role lies in being a program manager,
i.e. in discovering the topics of interest to the group. Again
for purposes of continuity the meetings here and the bimonthly
ones ought to interweave seamlessly.

So I need help. Has Peter picked the right point in the desired
flow or will he like me shortly find himself a loner? Nothing
says that the flow cannot occur multi-threaded, that we cannot
pursue several topics concurrently. I am still uncertain as to
the sense of the people on this mailing list. You have to tell
me. In a sense in order for me to lead I must follow you.

Please, realise that this is a call for help.


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P.O. Box 26904
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