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Date: Sat, 19 May 2001 05:24:09 PDT
From: Peter Skye < >
Subject: SCOUG-SundialSIG: Initial Offering

Content Type: text/plain

John Hlavac wrote:
> The contribution correction idea of
> yours is a different can-o-worms.

Squirmy little things. Yech.

> I don't know if it should show on the
> main sheet or get placed on another page.
> What do you think? Any suggestions?

Try to design it for ease of entering the data. If you get a monthly
statement that shows everything, I'd put all the info on one page
("worksheet"). That makes it easier to type it in.

In general, all my account verification spreadsheets duplicate what is
done by the _other_ guys' computers. It's much easier to enter the data
since you just have to copy what's on the printed statement, and it's
much easier to find any typing mistakes because the "total" column on
the spreadsheet stops matching the "total" on the printed statement at
the line where the error occurs. Just use a column for a "datatype key"
so the spreadsheet knows what to do with each value, for example "B" for
a balance and "C" for a contribution.

- Peter


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