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** Reply to note from Tue, 15 May 2001 11:02:38 PDT
> This calls for a vote. Everybody who is overwhelmed by duplicate posts
> please say so. And please respond in triplicate.
I vote against multiple posting. It is against net-etiquette.
> Lemme figure this out (where's my slide rule), okay, a 3,000-character
> text message with parity and stop bits comes to 30,000 bits, and for an
> extra minute of download time (is that a penny?) would come to (umm,
> lessee that's log 3 minus log 6) 500 bits per second. Okay, you're
> right, if they can't afford to upgrade that 1200 baud modem they're
> using then we probably shouldn't be increasing their traffic.
You should not make fun of people. I have lived in England and phone
bills can be very high. In fact when I first moved there a bill only
contained an amount to pay with no indication of what was being billed.
This has changed now to where you get an itemized bill, but this is
a recent change. The phone service is lousy and in some cases you
probably can not go faster than 1200 baud. I think I could get 2400 baud
at the house I was renting.
Robert Blair
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