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The Southern California OS/2 User Group
September 2002
OS/2 Networking Essentials
a mishmash of basic networking information
by Steve Schiffman
Concepts to keep in mind
- Described are elements of an independent network
- Any connection to the outside world will be done via
a gateway/router
- This device will handle all those security type of things
you all like to bring up
- A full function router can be configured to provide a
secure internal environment
- A soho/home (low cost) gateway/router can do some of
the above
- Requester and Peer Services use NetBIOS API
- Lan Server (WSeB) uses NetBIOS API
- DB/2 uses NetBIOS API
- TCP/IP is not NetBios API
Network Cable/Wiring
- Cable Tester, if you do not have one, find someone who does
- It can solve your home cabling problems before you spend
hours trying to figure out why something is not working.
- Cable Wiring Diagram
What is a network: The OSI (Open System Interconnect) Model
Composed of seven layers:
- Layer 1 - Physical
- Layer 2 - Data Link
- Layer 3 - Network
- Layer 4 - Transport
- Layer 5 - Session
- Layer 6 - Presentation
- Layer 7 - Application
Layer 1 & 2 - Physical & Data Link
- This is the underlying transport medium, i.e. wire, hubs, switches
- Wiring types i.e. ethernet, Token Ring, frame relay, ppp, etc
- Defines the electrical, mechanical, procedural and functions specifications for activating, maintaining and deactivating physical link(s) between systems. Provides reliable transit of data across the network. Defines physical addressing and topology.
- The Media Access Control (MAC) portion of the Data Link layer manages protocol access to the physical network medium.
Layer 3 - Network
- Routing and Routing management
- Some protocols:
IP, NetBEUI, IPX, ARP, RARP and there are many, many more
- Many specifically for router to router communication
Layer 4 - Transport
- Protocols - TCP, UDP, NetBEUI, SPX, etc.
Multi-Protocol Transport Services (MPTS)
Differentiating NetBIOS, NetBEUI, TCP/IP, NetBIOS over TCP/IP
- NetBIOS is an Application Programming Interface, not a protocol
- NetBIOS needs a network protocol such as NetBEUI or TCPBEUI to work
- NetBEUI/NetBIOS for local segment LANs, non routable, but bridgeable
- Computers using NetBIOS are known by their names, names must be unique on network
- NetBIOS communication via standard format of Network Control Block (NCB)
- NetBIOS provides three services: Name Service, Session Service, Datagram Service
- NetBIOS Name Service:
- Used to register/identify resources
- Unique or Group
- Names registered by node maintained in Name Table
- NetBIOS name 15 bytes long, with a one byte suffix
- Each node has a NetBIOS name consisting of the MAC address of that node
- Each node also has a computer name
- Note: do not use underscore character in a node name, it will not translate correctly when transported by TCPBEUI
- Note: make the NetBIOS node name the same as the TCP/IP Host name
- Note: RelishNet uses NetBIOS API
- NetBEUI is the transport protocol for NetBIOS API
- NetBEUI is broadcast-based
- NetBEUI is non-routable
- Designed for single segment LANs, is speedy, efficient and easy to use/configure
- Computers and Network Resources on local network are discovered through broadcasts
- Every node(computer) broadcasts its existence
- Every node(computer) receives broadcasts and stores NetBIOS
name and MAC address in RFCCACHE.LST table in memory (also writes out to
- Hierarchical addressing scheme
- IP is a routable protocol
- TCP is a protocol that uses IP for its transport
- Improperly set MTU (maximum transmission unit) values can adversely affect performance
- Many other details not discussed in this presentation
NetBIOS (NetBEUI) over TCP/IP (called TCPBEUI on OS/2)
- Implementation of NetBIOS to operate with TCP/IP as transport mechanism
- Defined by RFCs 1001 and 1002
- Solves the need to route a non-routable protocol
- Encapsulates NetBEUI data in a TCP/IP or UDP/IP frame
- Three modes of operation - Broadcast, Point-to-Point, and Mixed/Hybrid
- Service: NetBIOS Name Server (NBNS)
- Service: NetBIOS Datagram Distribution (NBDD)
- Routing extensions:
- The names file (RFCNAMES.LST), manually created
- The Broadcast file (RFCBCST.LST), manually created
- The Cache file (RFCCACHE.LST), internally generated
- DNS with DDNS provides mapping services only if DOMAINSCOPE
is configured
- Needs to be used when Dynamic IP addresses are used
- DOMAINSCOPE is configured in NetBios over TCP/IP protocol
section of protocol.ini file (via MPTS GUI)
- WINS is a Microsoft DNS server for NetBIOS names to IP
address mapping
- Microsoft's implementation of NetBEUI over TCP/IP is faulty,
does not confirm to the RFC's, i.e. their WINS function only works for
Microsoft operating systems
- You use NetBios over TCP/IP when you need to have NetBIOS
applications communicate with nodes that are on separate LAN segments (subnetworks)
- Using TCPBEUI, you can use the full TCP/IP set of management
What's new in MPTS V6 and TCP/IP V4.31
- 8 physical adapters supported
- 4 logical instances per physical adapter
- MPTS GUI only handles 4 physical adapters, others must
be added manually to PROTOCOL.INI file in \IBMCOM subdirectory
- When defining protocols, you can define as many *non*-conflicting
protocols as needed per logical instance
- New Functions
- Dynamic IP Enhancements
- Java-based Configuration and Management
- DHCP Relay Agent
- Redundancy for a failed LAN Adapter
- Implements Fault Recovery and Isolation for Host
- PreBoot eXecution Environment (PXE) 2.1 Support
- FTPD mode to transfer files through packet filter-based
- RXFTP additional mode to support above
- TCP/IP and TCPBEUI Enhancements
- Sendmail
- Use of DNS for NetBIOS name resolution
- Dynamic update of Names List and Broadcast List
For the more nitty-gritty hands-on aspects of networking, take a look at materials from the presentation Mike Rakijas gave to SCOUG in April 2002 titled
Networking Your Home.
The Southern California OS/2 User Group
P.O. Box 26904
Santa Ana, CA 92799-6904, USA
Copyright 2002 the Southern California OS/2 User Group. ALL RIGHTS
SCOUG, Warp Expo West, and Warpfest are trademarks of the Southern California OS/2 User Group.
OS/2, Workplace Shell, and IBM are registered trademarks of International
Business Machines Corporation.
All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.