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The Southern California OS/2 User Group

October 2008


by Gary Wong

Updates from last month's column:

The Java Image Browser Sorter is now at version 2.3.1 as of 09/24/2008. This program requires Java 1.4. Go to

ClamAV version 0.94 has been released as of 09/03/2008. This is a GPL anti-virus toolkit, which features a command-line scanner, a tool for automatic updating via the Internet, and integration with mail servers (attachment scanning). Go to

QEmu version 0.9.1 has been updated as of 09/09/2008. This is a virtual machine / emulator. Go to

Simple Samba Configuration Center is now at version 0.6.5 as of 09/23/2008. This allows you to edit an available SMB.CONF, already available keys, and add and remove shares and printers. There are also other Samba-related utilities on the website. Go to

JExpress version 7.2.3 has been released. This allows you to create Java-based multi-lingual installers and auto-updaters. An easy-to-use Swing interface allows you to design your installers quickly without requiring any programming. It can also select the exact classes your Java app uses, build your directory tree, and produce JAR files. Go to

PHPMyAdmin version 3.0.0 has been released as of 09/27/2008. This is a set of PHP scripts to administer MySQL over the Web. Go to

SmartSVN version 4.0.6 has been released as of 09/24/2008. This is a Java Subversion GUI client, with features like built-in File Compare/Merge, Change Report or Tag and Branch handling, etc. It requires Java 1.4.1 or higher. Go to

The USB-based monitor for APC Back-UPS CS/ES is now at version 0.08.1 as of 09/15/2008. The web site is in Russian, but there is an English README file. Go to, or use search key bkupsmon on Hobbes.

From this month's "Paul Smedley has been busy" file:

This month's new listings - Drivers:

The "widescreen activators" for Intel and ATI video chipsets have been updated as of 08/25/2008. These hack the VESA BIOS to support some widescreen modes. Go to

More from this month's "Paul Smedley has been busy" file:

  • Paul has released as of 09/30/2008 a build of UniAud32, where the driver code has been updated to ALSA 1.0.17. This features better support for HDA than earlier builds of UniAud, and will eventually become UniAud version 2.0. Go to


    1. Paul reports he has fixed SB Live! support in the UniAud 1.9.x branch.

This month's new listings - Applications:

Peter Weilbacher has released Firefox version 3.0.3 as of 09/27/2008. This has been demoed by Tony Butka at previous SCOUG general meetings. It is a browser based on Mozilla that does not contain mail, newsgroups, Composer, IRC, etc. Go to; the file name is More info is at


  1. If you are looking for an all-in-one suite similar to Mozilla, please take a look at SeaMonkey version 1.1.12 (see further down).
  2. Steve Wendt has a Warpzilla tips page at
  3. This is primarily a bug-fix release and does not have any new functionality added. (See "Shiretoko" alpha 2 below for new functionality).
  4. You must unzip the file yourself into a directory and then create or update a program object accordingly.
  5. As this is a major upgrade over the 2.0.0.x series, be sure to read the README file; there are some known limitations listed there.
  6. This version requires the GCC runtime; download that at (zip file), (WarpIN archive), or (a self-extracting executable). The EMX runtime is no longer required if you don't already have it installed. The GCC runtime installer defaults to x:\OS2\DLL (where x is your OS/2 or eComStation boot drive); it may be preferable to put the runtime in the same directory as the Firefox executable, or in x:\ECS\DLL (which is where I have it on my eComStation machine).
  7. Starting with Firefox 3.0, IPLUGINW.DLL for Java support is already included. Also the Innotek Font Engine is no longer required with Firefox 3.0.x.
  8. Tony's notes on installing and running Firefox are at

Mike Kaply has released Firefox as of 09/25/2008. This has been demoed by Tony Butka at previous SCOUG general meetings. It is a browser based on Mozilla that does not contain mail, newsgroups, Composer, IRC, etc. Go to; the file name is More info is at


  1. If you are looking for an all-in-one suite similar to Mozilla, please take a look at SeaMonkey version 1.1.12 (see below).
  2. Steve Wendt has a Warpzilla tips page at
  3. This is primarily a bug-fix release and does not have any new functionality added. The new functionality is in Firefox 3.0.3 (see the previous item).
  4. You must unzip the file yourself into a directory and then create or update a program object accordingly.
  5. This version requires the GCC runtime; download that at (zip file), (WarpIN archive), or (a self-extracting executable). The EMX runtime is no longer required if you don't already have it installed. The GCC runtime installer defaults to x:\OS2\DLL (where x is your OS/2 or eComStation boot drive); it may be preferable to put the runtime in the same directory as the Firefox executable, or in x:\ECS\DLL (which is where I have it on my eComStation machine).
  6. This version requires an updated version of IPLUGINW.DLL for Java support; go to
  7. Tony's notes on installing and running Firefox are at

Mike has also released Thunderbird as of 09/26/2008. This has been demoed by Tony Butka at previous SCOUG general meetings. It is a mail & newsgroup client based on Mozilla that does not contain the browser. Go to; the file name is More info is at


  1. If you are looking for an all-in-one suite similar to Mozilla, please take a look at SeaMonkey version 1.1.12 (see the next item).
  2. Steve Wendt has a Warpzilla tips page at
  3. This is primarily a bug-fix release and does not have any new functionality added.
  4. You must unzip the file yourself into a directory and then create or update a program object accordingly.
  5. This version requires the GCC runtime; download that at (zip file), (WarpIN archive), or (a self-extracting executable). The EMX runtime is no longer required if you don't already have it installed. The GCC runtime installer defaults to x:\OS2\DLL (where x is your OS/2 or eComStation boot drive); it may be preferable to put the runtime in the same directory as the Thunderbird executable, or in x:\ECS\DLL (which is where I have it on my eComStation machine).
  6. This version requires an updated version of IPLUGINW.DLL for Java support; go to
  7. Tony's notes on installing and running Thunderbird are at

Peter Weilbacher has released SeaMonkey version 1.1.12 as of 09/25/2008. It is a continuation of the Mozilla Suite, which was discontinued in 2005. Go to; the file name is seamonkey-1.1.12.en-US.os2.installer.exe (self- extracting executable), or (zip file version). More info is at and


  1. Steve Wendt has a Warpzilla tips page at
  2. This is primarily a bug-fix release; however, according to Peter, Cairo support has now been activated, so it now supports SVG and Canvas.
  3. If you are upgrading from SeaMonkey version 1.0.x, you may want to uninstall version 1.0.x before installing version 1.1.12; see my comments in the Feb. 2007 Download!.
  4. If you are installing the zip file version, you must unzip the file yourself into a directory and then create or update a program object accordingly.
  5. This version requires the GCC runtime; download that at (a self-extracting executable). The EMX runtime is no longer required if you don't already have it installed. The GCC runtime installer defaults to x:\OS2\DLL (where x is your OS/2 or eComStation boot drive); it may be preferable to put the runtime in the same directory as the SeaMonkey executable, or in x:\ECS\DLL (which is where I have it on my eComStation machine).
  6. This version requires an updated version of IPLUGINW.DLL for Java support; go to
  7. Tony's notes on installing and running SeaMonkey are at

Peter has also released "Shiretoko" alpha 2 (the code name for Firefox version 3.1) as of 09/09/2008. This has been demoed by Tony Butka at previous SCOUG general meetings. It is a browser based on Mozilla that does not contain mail, newsgroups, Composer, IRC, etc. Go to; the file name is More info is at


  1. If you are looking for an all-in-one suite similar to Mozilla, please take a look at SeaMonkey version 1.1.12 (see the previous item).
  2. Steve Wendt has a Warpzilla tips page at
  3. Since this is an alpha release: unless you plan to report or fix bugs, it is recommended that you stick with Firefox 3.0.3 or Firefox (see above).
  4. You must unzip the file yourself into a directory and then create or update a program object accordingly.
  5. As this is a major upgrade over the 2.0.0.x series, be sure to read the README file; there are some known limitations listed there.
  6. This version requires the GCC runtime; download that at (zip file), (WarpIN archive), or (a self-extracting executable). The EMX runtime is no longer required if you don't already have it installed. The GCC runtime installer defaults to x:\OS2\DLL (where x is your OS/2 or eComStation boot drive); it may be preferable to put the runtime in the same directory as the Firefox executable, or in x:\ECS\DLL (which is where I have it on my eComStation machine).
  7. Starting with Firefox 3.0, IPLUGINW.DLL for Java support is already included. Also the Innotek Font Engine is no longer required with Firefox 3.0.x.
  8. Tony's notes on installing and running Firefox are at

Peter has also released Sunbird version 0.9 as of 09/24/2008. This is the stand-alone Mozilla calendaring program. Go to; the filename is More info on Sunbird is at

FTPServer version 1.32 has been released as of 09/29/2008. Compared to the standard FTPD that comes with OS/2 & eComStation, this one has better security controls, together with extra features such as symbolic links. Go to

Enigmail version 0.95.7 has been released as of 08/28/2008. It allows you to use GnuPG with your e-mail in Thunderbird and/or SeaMonkey. Go to


  1. A tutorial on setting up Enigmail is at

FM/2 version 3.13 has been released as of 09/01/2008. It is an open- source GUI file manager program, with lots of extra helper utilities. Use search key fm2- on Hobbes.


  1. Source code is available at

Subversion version 1.5.2 has been released as of 09/02/2008. It is a version control application, intended to replace CVS. Go to


  1. A slightly older version (1.5.1 as of 07/27/2008) is also available at

NewView version 2.19.4 has been released as of 09/01/2008. It is a rewrite of VIEW.EXE that comes standard with OS/2 & eComStation. It reads INF and HLP files. Improvements include a new UI, remember size/position, select and copy from the window, and more. Go to

Dr. Web version 4.44 has been released as of 09/01/2008. This is an anti-virus program, which still supports OS/2 & eComStation. Go to

A number of multimedia libraries have been ported to OS/2 as of 09/04/2008; they can all be found on Hobbes:

  1. LIBPNG version 1.2.31: it is the PNG library. Use search key libpng.
  2. FLAC version 1.2.1: it is a free lossless audio codec. Use search key flac.
  3. LIBOGG version 1.1.3: use search key libogg.
  4. LIBMPEG2 version 0.5.1: use search key libmpeg2.
  5. LibVorbis version 1.2.0: use search key libvorbis.

A number of libraries related to reading DVD media have been ported to OS/2 as of 08/31/2008; they can all be found on Hobbes:

  1. LIBDVDCSS version 1.2.9: it does DVD decryption without region checking. Use search key libdvdcss.
  2. LIBDVDREAD version 4.1.3-r1130: it does low-level DVD access. Use search key libdvdread.
  3. LIBDVDNAV version 4.1.3-r1130: it handles DVD navigation, such as menus. Use search key libdvdnav.

Autoconf version 2.61, Automake version 1.10.1, and Libtool version 1.5.26 have been ported to OS/2 as of 08/31/2008. These are essential tools for developing and/or porting many open-source programs. All 3 are at Hobbes with search keys autoconf, automake, and libtool, respectively.

URPO has been released as of 08/26/2008. This is a static library which allows deleting or renaming files still in use by a program. This is most useful for allowing log rotation for daemons; included are versions of kill, mv, and rm linked with this library. Go to

IMERJ version 0.8 has been released as of 09/14/2008. This is a "poor man's" Japanese input method editor, which allows you to enter Japanese Kana by typing romanized text in the edit window. It is intended primarily for use on non-Japanese systems where a proper IME is not available. Input is Kana only; Kanji conversion is not supported. Go to

Weasel version 1.78 has been released as of 09/11/2008. This is a "lightweight" SMTP/POP server that has multi-domain support. Also available (as of 04/05/2005) is the IMAPD version 0.08 module. Go to

General Network Utilities has been updated as of 09/03/2008. This is a powerful Internet diagnostic toolkit, featuring several tools designed to help you quickly identify problems, locate where the problem is, and gather data which can be used to solve the problem either directly or through your ISP. Go to

Workplace Sans version 0.5 has been released as of 09/20/2008. This is a Unicode TrueType outline font that is designed to resemble the OS/2 bitmap font "WarpSans". Go to

NCurses version 5.6 has been released as of 09/20/2008. This is a text- mode programming library from the Unix world. Use search key ncurses on Hobbes.

Lynx version 2.8.7dev9.1 has been released as of 09/19/2008. This is a text-mode WWW browser. Use search key lx2 on Hobbes.

ProjectX version 0.9.9 has been released as of 09/18/2008. This is a Java program that converts, repairs, and/or cuts DVB (MPEG-2) files. Included are some OS/2 startup scripts. Go to

PDFMergeNX version 2.0 test has been updated as of 09/17/2008. This is an application for manipulating PDF and PostScript files; it provides a graphical interface on top of GhostScript, XPDF, and ePDF. Go to

LAME version 3.98 has been released as of 09/16/2008. It is a MP3 encoder, and includes a graphical frame analyzer. Use search key lame- on Hobbes.

Doodle's Screen Saver version 2.0 has been released as of 09/15/2008. This screen saver integrates into the WPS, replaces the old Lockup Desktop facility, has DPMS support, and can be extended with new screen saver modules (see It allows third-party applications to disable the screen saver temporarily, for example while watching a movie. Go to;


  1. More info is at
  2. You will need WarpIN to install.
  3. You will also need Cairo Runtime 1.2.4 or later for the Cairo saver modules; go to

wxWidgets version 2.8.9 has been released as of 09/22/2008. This is a sophisticated cross-platform C++ framework for writing advanced GUI applications using (where possible) the native controls. Go to

WDSibyl has been updated as of 09/19/2008. This is an open-source continuation of the commercial product Sibyl, which is a Pascal / Delphi compiler. Go to

Even more from this month's "Paul Smedley has been busy" file:

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The Southern California OS/2 User Group
P.O. Box 26904
Santa Ana, CA 92799-6904, USA

Copyright 2008 the Southern California OS/2 User Group. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

SCOUG, Warp Expo West, and Warpfest are trademarks of the Southern California OS/2 User Group. OS/2, Workplace Shell, and IBM are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.