WarpTech 2000 Saturday Evening Event
May 27, 2000
Sponsored by the Southern California OS/2 User Group
It is Saturday evening, you have just seen Warped Jeopardy! Now what
are you going to do? Yee haw, how about going to the Rawhide Western
Town and see the rodeo with your fellow WarpTech attendees!.
Departing from the Wigwam Hotel, SCOUG has scheduled a deluxe motor
coach to transport us back in time to the western frontier where we can
experience shoot-outs, bull and bronc riding, calf roping, barrel racing
and more. Come dressed in your western outfit and your chaps ready to
ride the bucking bull. All of this plus a light dinner for only $20.
The bus departs the Wigwam at 6:15pm (following the Warped Jeopardy!
session) and returns at 11pm. Dinner will consist of BBQ sandwich, chips
and drink. Concession stands will have additional food and drink items for sale.
Advanced registration is closed. If you're still interested in
attending the rodeo, stop by the SCOUG booth at WarpTech.
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