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Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 10:38:12 PST
From: "Wirtz, Paul" < >
To: < "''" > >
Subject: SCOUG-General: Star Office

Media key I believe is used to install. You still must go online and
register. If you do not go online from that copy of staroffice you will need
the media key as part of the registration info to register.

Paul D. Wirtz
Technical Staff
VOLT Advanced Technologies R&D
VOLT Consulting Services - email
714.921.7443 - direct
714.921.7046 - fax

-----Original Message-----
From: Virginia R. Hetrick []
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 1999 12:10 AM
To: POSSI Discussion; SCOUG General mailing list
Subject: SCOUG-General: Star Office

I have a Star Office CD in my hand with a Media Key (secret magic
number) on a label stuck on the front of the jewel box.

However, after installing the software, the first thing that pops up is
a registration form (if you say yes) saying that the installation is
good for only 30 days unless you register. Then you get the option to
register or to enter your customer number and registration number. The
Media Key by itself is not accepted in either space. Can somebody tell

1. What to put into the two slots on the electronic form?
2. What's the difference between the Media Key and the customer and
registration numbers?

Thanks for any light anybody can shed.

\ / Virginia R. Hetrick, here in sunny California
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