I may be the guilty party that left the item for the raffle without a
power adaptor. Tell me what the adaptor specs are (voltage, current,
other markings) and I'll look for it. There are several orphan power
adaptors around the house. Actually, they're a hazzard. My wife
recharged her cellphone with the wrong one and ruined it.
>At last months meeting I selected a SMC Barricade router from the raffle.
>Either I didn't see it or I didn't look for it but I did not come away
>with the power adaptor.
>I contacted SMC and they told me they would send me another for $10.00
>(including shiping costs).
>I did that and they promptly sent me a COMPLETE Barricade with Power
>adaptor, software and documentation. (Good service department).
>If someone knows where the previous power adaptor is I would like to make
>a complete set available for some future raffle.
>Allen R. Hecht
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