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On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 07:27:37 PDT7, Peter Skye wrote:
>To those of you returning from the north: How was Warpstock?
Hey, not bad. I didn't count bodies - rough *guess* is 150 max. It
was rather mellow. The hotel worked well, but it helped to have a
car to get to other food options.
There were a mixture of technical and demo type sessions so people
had choices of things to learn. We left mid-afternoon on Sunday
before the closing session (panel on the future of OS/2) so can't
report on it. Can say that all advances in the OS/2 realm are
targeted at making products run the same on OS/2 as on Windows...
that was the Innotek message, loud and clear. It's all ports of
Windows, with the ultimate target that we all leave OS/2 eventually
(also the IBM story), so the Odin model lives on as a transition away
from OS/2.
But of course most everybody was thrilled to learn we're getting
current windows stuff on OS/2. All depends on your point of view
what this means.
(Note - I offer no apologies for any bias that may have slipped into
these remarks.)
Carla, Sundial Systems
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