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Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 13:52:37 PDT
From: "mrakijas" < >
To: < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Ongoing saga - Resolved! (mostly anyway)

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.

Just in case anyone still cares, I did resolve the motherboard
upgrade problem I had been having. It did seem to be hanging at
the OS2DASD.DMD driver. The first step to making progress was to
replace it with Daniela Engert's DaniDASD.DMD driver (tip of the
hat (TOTH) to Daniela). In some of the docs, it reported fixing
the boot drive information that Boot Manager provides to the DASD
driver (TOTH to Tony Butka) with the command line argument
/BD:[boot drive letter]. I don't know if it was required but it
allowed the boot sequence to pass the os2dasd point and move to
the next stumbling block. (Minor question: should I keep the
driver or move back to the os2dasd driver for system consistency
now that the problem is mostly solved.)

Booting proceeded but desktop wouldn't come up after that point.
With a little help (TOTH to Steven Levine), I remade my INI files
(makeini OS2#.INI INI#.RC where #=(blank) or SYS) and was good to
go. (Minor question for Steven - should I undo the SETVGA.CMD
patch done while we were experimenting?) The old desktop became
the "Previous Desktop" icon on the new one. I'm now well on the
way to installing new network and video drivers and then I really
will be all fixed up. (Minor question: a number of undeleteable
objects remain in the old desktop - can I delete the old desktop
when I'm convinced that nothing worth keeping is left, as in Black

As a final wrap up, thanks to all those who helped and made
suggestions. Noone should be too intimidated by upgrading a
motherboard or a hard drive under a working system - there is a
way to making it work. I have the notches on my belt to prove it.


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