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Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2001 11:02:44 PST7
From: "J. R. Fox" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: Plextor SCSI Availability

Content Type: text/plain

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Mark wrote

> I think that they're skipping some models for SCSI support. i don't think
> that they've decided to stop their SCSI line.

Their 12/10/32 SCSI model should still be available -- I bought one from a major mail-order firm (someplace like
CDW, but I'd have to double check that) about 6 weeks ago. Plextor's more recent 16/?/40 model may or may not
be available in SCSI, I'm not sure. My impression is that their SCSI models are getting harder to find. If
memory serves, Peter did find and purchase a Plextor 12/10 SCSI drive at one of the local computer shows, but I
have not seen any Plextor SCSI models at such shows for at least a year, and I've been paying attention when
making the rounds at them.

> And even though the rated
> speed of the SCSI is lower than the IDE, what does it mean in real world
> useage? Is 20x really twice as fast as 40x? Is it even noticeable most
> of the time? Might the SCSI actually be faster in some configurations?

My erstwhile dealer, a techie hot-rodder type, always used to say there was no comparison. According to him,
all-SCSI is superior across the board in the real world . . . providing you have a separate, dedicated SCSI card
supporting the slower devices. The system will tend to bog down a whole lot less during certain operations,
such as burning CDs. (Of course, this predated the whole burnproof thing, when inadvertently making "beveridge
coasters" was much more of a concern.)



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