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Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2001 11:27:59 PST7
From: "J. R. Fox" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: CD Writer Problem resolution

Content Type: text/plain

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Sandy wrote:

> Once I did that, everything worked fine. Lockcdr.flt also seems to be
> required with this setup, although I don't know why.

Then you don't have a dual-use capability for that drive ?

> Anyhow, I am up and running.

Glad to hear it. That's the most important thing.

> I notice that you are using a SCSI CD Writer. I am thinking of replacing
> my ancient IDE HP CD Writer. Now that I have a SCSI card (for my scanner
> and my tape drive), I am debating whether to get another IDE writer or
> switch to a SCSI writer. Steven opined that the newer IDE are now
> outperforming the SCSI writers.

Far be it from me to challenge anything Steven has to say in the technical arena. I can only quote what seems
to be the best info I've been given. A lot of these benchmarks, such as presented in the review Mark linked
here, can often be not terribly relevant in the real world. Another way of saying you probably won't detect the

My 2nd. SCSI card supports a scanner, the DAT drive, and both CD-drives. System throughput, and the ability to
continue multi-tasking while various operations are taking place, has been very good. From what I was told,
this would not have been the case with IDE. (There are some s/w variables also. I was regularly trashing
700mb. "extended length" CDs, until I upped the h/d cache size under RSJ to 700mb. Sounds kind of obvious in
retrospect, but this had to be pointed out to me by their tech. support. When I put in larger H/Ds, I will
probably bump this value up a further 200mb., for a bit more breathing room. Maybe it will help performance.)

> I'd be interested to know if you have any opinions on the subject.

Here's what I can tell you. There used to be a Sysop on one of the OS/2 forums on Compuserve. He co-owned a
big CD mastering lab in Memphis, or somewhere like that, and seemed to be extremely knowledgeable on many tech.
subjects, such as CD technology. I asked him questions from time to time. He said he had used everything out
there, and -- so far as consumer-grade gear was concerned -- Plextor was just hands down The Best. Performance
was important in his estimation, but reliability even more so. He also preferred SCSI. Of course, this was
circa 2 years ago, and things do change with computer hardware and the manufacturers.



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