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Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 18:26:29 PST
From: "Steven Levine" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: DSL question

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In <>, on 02/14/01
at 06:04 PM, (Sandy Shapiro) said:

>It goes by so fast that I can't tell. I think I see Nod 6 and Buff 6. Is
>there a way to slow it down? (I tried a print screen, but it didn't

If you hit it at the right time, the pause key will freeze the display.
Press the spacebar to continue.

>I also looked at rmview, but I couldn't tell which referred to the nic
>card. Many IRQ'2 had shared access.

RMVIEW/IRQ might show it, but NIC drivers don't usually register with the
Resource Manager.

>The box just says model PCMPC100. I could pull the card out and look at

Are you sure? That's the model number of the Linksys PCMCIA card. This
is your desktop? Isn't it?

>it. I also have an extra Accton card I could try -- it is only rated at
>10 mbps. Does that make a difference?

Can't say. You could try it. I doubt it matters. See below...

>I tried the manual setting at as you suggested.
>When I ping the router now, it goes on forever, so I finally stopped it
>with Ctrl-C. Attached are the files you requested. (this time the
>iptrace.dmp file was empty).

I'm not sure what you did, but it should have been full of ping data. You
might try again.

>Oh yes, the led light does NOT flicker on the router when I ping it.

Are you sure? There are usually 2 leds or 1 bi-color led. One will flash
for receive, the other will flash for transmit. If it's bi-color, the
color will change.

>Is there any point to uninstalling the lan and reinstalling it?

What do you mean? Do you mean uninstall/reinstall TCP/IP? I doubt the
TCP/IP or MPTS installation is the problem.

If I understood what you have said, It looks more like a DHCP
configuration problem or possible a TCP/IP fixpak level problem. If you
can ping the router when manually configured, that pretty much says the
card and drivers are working. This also says you really should be able to
see the laptop using Peer when going through the router. This is assuming
both NIC's are running at the same speed.

FWIW, what is displayed when you type:


on the command line.


"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.21 #10183 Warp4/FP11 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)


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