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Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 20:58:16 PST
From: (Sandy Shapiro)
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: DSL question

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>If you hit it at the right time, the pause key will freeze the display.
>Press the spacebar to continue.

Good tip:
LNE 100TX Fast Ethernet Adapter NDIS 2 MAC Driver v.3.16
Node address 0ca0cce171d30
Slot 1 Media_ode Autodetect TX_Bufs 6 RX_Bufs 6

>>The box just says model PCMPC100. I could pull the card out and look at

>Are you sure? That's the model number of the Linksys PCMCIA card. This
>is your desktop? Isn't it?

A senior moment.
The right box says: LNE100TX Version 2.0

>>I tried the manual setting at as you suggested.
>>When I ping the router now, it goes on forever, so I finally stopped it
>>with Ctrl-C. Attached are the files you requested. (this time the
>>iptrace.dmp file was empty).

>I'm not sure what you did, but it should have been full of ping data.
>You might try again.

>>Oh yes, the led light does NOT flicker on the router when I ping it.

>Are you sure? There are usually 2 leds or 1 bi-color led. One will
>flash for receive, the other will flash for transmit. If it's bi-color,
>the color will change.

I redid the iptrace and ping routine. No change. During ping, the message
is: "No route to host"
iptrace.dmp is still empty.

When I ping the router from my laptop, I can see the hub led flicker.
Nothing when I ping from the desktop.

>If I understood what you have said, It looks more like a DHCP
>configuration problem or possible a TCP/IP fixpak level problem. If you
>can ping the router when manually configured, that pretty much says the
>card and drivers are working. This also says you really should be able
>to see the laptop using Peer when going through the router. This is
>assuming both NIC's are running at the same speed.

>FWIW, what is displayed when you type:

> inetver

>on the command line.


Socket.sys 6.2004
AFOS2.Sys 6.2000
AFINET.Sys 6.2013

I think the iptrace.lst and ifconfig.lst are unchanged. Would you like to
see them again?



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